Seniors' Services
Services are available. Please call 250-245-3079 to make an appointment or email Shirley directly.
Helping seniors in many ways
The Ladysmith Resources Centre Association runs many programs to help seniors in our community.
Seniors Advocacy Office hours are 9 am to 3 pm on Monday and Tuesday except stat holidays. We have extended the hours for our Seniors' office – appointments and drop-ins available on Thursday every week from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm.
For any of the services, call the Office at 250-245-3079.
To Nanaimo or Duncan for medical appointments may be available if you can give us 10-14 days notice as volunteers do the driving for us.
Seniors Office
This provides information and help for seniors on many topics – government benefits and forms to fill out, housing problems or questions, applications for subsidized housing, referral processes, advance care planning and much more.
These are made monthly to seniors. Let us know if you would like to be on the list.
Seniors' Directory
Our new one is now available updated 2022
Income Tax
This is done for anyone with an income lower than $35000 (single) or $45000 (couple) at our office. Bring in your information slips to have them done.
COUNSELLING is also available at the centre by calling and making an appointment. Peer Counselling is available as well.
Coffee Drop-In
This program runs from 10 a.m. to noon on Fridays in the LRCA upstairs boardroom. Stop in for a free visit, coffee and a goodie.
Senior Connect Program
Need help with your cellphone, tablet or laptop? This program offers sessions taught by knowledgeable volunteers throughout the year. The program is held in the upstairs LRCA boardroom. Watch our newsletter for upcoming sessions.
Funded by:

Ladysmith Walkability Survey Highlights
Walkability and Accessibility in a community is undervalued in North American communities due to our intimate relationship to the automobile. However, research shows that walkable communities positively influence the social determinants of health for an individual and a community.
In October 2017, the Ladysmith Community Response Network, in partnership with the Ladysmith Interagency Committee members and the Elder Care Project in Cowichan initiative, undertook a walkability/accessibility assessment in Ladysmith. The purpose of this assessment was to help provide data to inform a Union of BC Municipalities Age-Friendly grant application. An age-friendly community supports seniors to “age actively” by living safely, enjoying good health and staying actively involved in their community.
Creating a safe and healthy community for our seniors means a safe and healthy community for everyone since many vulnerable populations face many of the same barriers. The age-friendly grant helped to address some of the key issues and barriers to a walkable, age-friendly Ladysmith.
About Us
It all began early in 1992 at a meeting of the Ladysmith Inter-Agency Liaison Committee, a group of representatives from the government-mandated agencies formed in the early 1970s to maximize cooperation among the agencies while minimizing the duplication of services.
In 1992, this group pooled some of their own money and decided to form a non-profit association to try to deal with these recurring situations. This became the foundation of the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association.
Read more about our history HERE (PDF).