Restorative Justice
Asking "Who is the villain?" is the prologue to asking who should be punished.
But asking, "What are the conditions that led to this?" leads us to consider how to change those conditions so that the situation is less likely to happen again.
What is Restorative Justice?
- RJ is a process and a philosophy
- It is a shift in thinking from blame and punishment to repairing harm
- It gives victims a voice by being engaged in the process
- It is part of the Criminal Justice System (does not replace it)
About Us
It all began early in 1992 at a meeting of the Ladysmith Inter-Agency Liaison Committee, a group of representatives from the government-mandated agencies formed in the early 1970s to maximize cooperation among the agencies while minimizing the duplication of services.
In 1992, this group pooled some of their own money and decided to form a non-profit association to try to deal with these recurring situations. This became the foundation of the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association.
Read more about our history HERE (PDF).