Family & Youth Support Services Program

Family & Youth Support Services (children aged 6-18).

Family & Youth Support Services is an intervention program designed to address familial stress, reduce negative outcomes, and positively impact behaviours in those families referred through the Family & Youth Support Services Screening Committee.

The target population is children 6 to 18 years of age who have a need for change, development, and/or interventions that would foster more positive outcomes. The range of need often seen can vary from client(s) to client(s), and while needs may be used to determine priority of services, will not hinder services being offered. The Family & Youth Support Services are available to work with clients one-on-one, with siblings/peers, and/or with a whole family. At the discretion of the screening committee services may be provided to children outside the set age-range.

Family Support

Program objectives: Improve family stability and increase functioning, foster effective social and behavioral skills in children, provide consultation with other professionals, assist children and their family/caregivers to access community supports and resources.

Duration: short-term, goal-oriented, with desired outcomes relating to behavioral stability, overall improved family functioning and a lessening of risk that behaviors and concerns will continue to move toward negative outcomes.

Referral criteria & process: M.C.F.D. and other linked agencies (priority high risk of child protection intervention), Community-Based (Ladysmith), Voluntary/Self-Referred (parent, guardian, family member…), School and other linked establishments (LPS, LIS, LSS, NO).

The goals for each client(s) will be outlined by the referring worker in discussion with the family prior to services and have the flexibility to change or be added to if needed. A service plan will be enacted for duration of time, place, frequency, and goals worked towards during service sessions with the client(s).

Eligibility will be decided based on risk, goals, and availability of workers.

Funded by:

Town of Ladysmith
BC Gov
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About Us

It all began early in 1992 at a meeting of the Ladysmith Inter-Agency Liaison Committee, a group of representatives from the government-mandated agencies formed in the early 1970s to maximize cooperation among the agencies while minimizing the duplication of services.

In 1992, this group pooled some of their own money and decided to form a non-profit association to try to deal with these recurring situations. This became the foundation of the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association.

Read more about our history HERE (PDF).