If teaching seniors computer literacy is your passion . . .
The struggle with technology never ends. But it is not impossible to triumph over it.
Using laptops, mobile telephones and tablets can be a mystery when integrating them with email, social media channels and jpeg images.
LRCA is setting up a Seniors Connect Program specifically focused on computer literacy, to be delivered at Ladysmith Resources Centre with a tentative launch date of April 1.
The program is recruiting individuals who can teach seniors new technology. Anyone interested can connect with Shirley, seniors coordinator at LRCA on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The new program will give seniors confidence in communicating with friends and family as they build computer literacy skills.
The program will enhance outreach to senior clients who may also be isolated or at risk of isolation.
If teaching computer literacy skills sparks a passion in you or if you are interested in registering for the computer literacy sessions, please contact Shirley at 250-245-3079 or email Shirley@lrca.ca.