‘New normal’ to Christmas Cheer campaign
Christmas continues to be a special time this year for families in need through the efforts of Ladysmith Resources Centre Association (LRCA).
And in keeping with the “new normal” of its Christmas Cheer fundraising, the LRCA will continue to ask the community to give cash donations which will be used to buy gift cards tucked inside a Christmas card for groceries and presents for registered families.
Instead of a Christmas hamper and gift sort at Aggie Hall, families will have discretion over the gifts and groceries they purchase with their gift cards.
“This Christmas Cheer process allows us to serve in a more efficient way,” said Cheer co-coordinators Pat MacFarlane and Barb Champagne.
“We noticed last year a greater demand, in particular among families and seniors, for the festive support.”
Christmas Cheer registration is open from Nov. 15 to Dec. 8. Families can register for the program on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Clients can pick up their gift certificates on Dec. 13, 14 and 15.
Karen Laing, LRCA executive director said the LRCA has been fortunate to be able to respond effectively to the demands of Christmas Cheer service.
“It is thanks to the remarkable community support that we can meet our fundraising goals each year at this time,” she said.
“I would like to express thanks to both Barb and Pat and their teams of volunteers for their campaign leadership over the years. We are truly blessed for their dedication to ensure all the citizens of Ladysmith have a warm meal and some Christmas cheer over the holiday season.”
Christmas Cheer fund boundaries are the west side of Highway 1, to Haslam Creek Road to the north, to Jones Road on the east side of the highway and Old Chemainus Road to Lagoon Bridge and Stocking Creek to the south. Families within the boundary are welcome to register. Those who wish to sponsor families this year can also do so through the LRCA. The LRCA has a target of 150 families to serve this year.
Donations can be made online at lrca.ca/donate page with the Christmas Cheer designation or cheques can be dropped off at the LRCA at 630 2nd Avenue in Ladysmith.